Thursday, June 2, 2011


It has been a busy week again but with a much less consistent schedule. On Sunday we attended a Honduran church which included a lot of dancing, and last night we enjoyed a concert from German Peña at the La Casa de La Cultura.

Stress has set in more and more as we go on in our trip, and as I see the amount of Spanish I haven't mastered. I understand about 30% of the dialogue and am much slower at speaking. I need to freshen up on my verb forms because the time is coming quickly when I will be on my own.

It has been a struggle to think intellectually in English about the class while trying to transition to Spanish. The first several days we were here, I completely failed at communicating my thoughts in coherent words (final exams and papers had probably drained me as well). Everyone (ambos Hondureños and Estadosunidenses) have been very encouraging saying that I will quickly learn, so that is encouraging.

I suspect that everyone that actively places their self in a challenging environment gets to a point where they wonder why they engaged in such a growing situation, and I am quickly approaching that marker. Even though I have not lost sight of the potential growth that this experience will probably yield, I retain some hesitancy in jumping into new waters somewhat alone.

But I am trusting what God will do through me because how else will I be changed or sustained? I have already seen ways in which He needs to work on my heart, and I desire to run to Him when I am spent. For this reason I am memorizing verses for RAing next year...not that I can master some concept or idea, but so that I can connect with the heart of Christ.

Josué 1:8-9
"Repite siempre lo que dice el libro de la ley de Dios, y medita en él de día y de noche, para que hagas siempre lo que este ordena. Así todo lo que hagas te saldrá bien.
"Yo soy quien te manda que tengas valor y firmeza. No tengas miedo y te desanimes porque yo, tu Señor y Dios, estaré contigo dondequiera que vayas."

How I hope I do not forget this need for Him when I return to my place of comfort in the U.S.


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